In Kenya, the life expectancy is 62 years — 17 years less than in America. But with the partnership of the Cairn community, locals in the village of Gatamaiyu now have unprecedented access to health care needed to live a full and healthy life.

One year ago, in the Spring/Summer 2014 issue of Cairn, we shared the story of alumni Peter ’98/G’00 and Gail (Mills) ’98 Mbugua’s vision for providing medical care in Peter’s Kenyan hometown. The center opened on May 26th, 2015, treating over 100 patients in its first week.
The center was dedicated in February 2015. In addition to the Mbuguas, Blair Benjamin ’94/G’03, his mother Kathy, and his wife Rebecca (Gallo) ’96/G’09 returned to Gatamaiyu for the ceremony, representing late music professor Kenneth Benjamin for whom the center is named. Several other alumni also returned, some for the fourth or fifth time.