When Margaret (Murray) ’76 married Rick Rineer ’75 in 1976, their hearts were burdened for the care of missionary kids (MKs) and missionary families. While Rick grew up as an MK in East Africa, God also sensitized Margaret to the needs of missionary families.
Rick and Margaret served as missionary dorm parents for 53 high school girls, as well as teachers in Kenya. In 1983, they pioneered Missionary Kids Ministry in Hatfield, PA, for high school and college-aged MKs. During those years, they opened their home as a place of spiritual, emotional, and physical refuge for 85 MKs from 27 countries who were in transition from high school overseas to college or employment in the US
Following a heartbreaking 13-month cancer journey, God moved Rick to Heaven in November 2005. As God comforted Margaret and their five precious children, He continued to faithfully provide for their ongoing ministry to MKs.
Margaret’s ministry grew most recently in 2019 when she established Mercifully Known Ministries, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, which demonstrates God’s love to MKs, missionaries, widows, and those struggling in the local community by coming alongside people with hope, help, and encouragement. She praises God for His clear direction, and the prayer and counsel of family, friends, and supporters.