Not for Self

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[blockquote]A vision of the true God leads to a belief that His purposes and glory are the things for which we live and work.[/blockquote]

Remembering that everything we do is to be for His glory is not easy in a busy life in a busy world. But it is no less true or important because it is not easy. The Bible reminds us of this at every turn of the page. And His faithful servants down through the ages have lived in light of this. We want PBU students to catch this vision for their own lives. We hold this before them. We want their gifts and abilities to be used to God’s glory. We want them to see that even their struggles and suffering can bring Him glory. We want them to want something more than their own desires and successes. We want them to have a biblical perspective that their lives are not their own and they live not for self but for something greater, something eternal. A biblical university education begins and ends, at every level, with a reminder that our calling as Christians is to walk and to work according to God’s will and way. The idols of self worship, self gratification, and self service must be torn down and destroyed. They have no place in the Christian’s life.

When we call the names of students who become graduates, it is our prayer that they will leave us knowing we embraced our role in their lives to call them to something greater than themselves with joy and sobriety. And as we watch them move on to what is next, we are reminded of the mission of Philadelphia Biblical University. We are reminded that these students are not ours but God’s and that His kingdom is larger than this University. And we are reminded that His purposes are grander than anything we could imagine. If the lives of these graduates are lived for His glory, if what motivates their sacrifice and service is His glory, and if the posture and attitudes regarding why and how they live and work are reflective of humility and obedience, we will take no credit. Instead, we will be thankful to God, praise Him for the privilege to be part of His work, and exalt Him – who is Almighty God.

[framed_box]Todd J. Williams, Ph.D., has been the President of Philadelphia Biblical University since January 2008. He served as faculty and an administrator from 1996 to 2001, and then returned as Provost in 2005. He can be reached by emailing Also, interact with Dr. Williams at PBU’s blogsite.
