Books by Cairn faculty and alumni

Old Testament Use of Old Testament by Dr. Gary Schnittjer, professor of Old Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Academic: May 2021) This book surveys the thousands of Old Testament allusions within the Old Testament and provides hermeneutical guidance for interpreting these interrelated scriptures. The handbook takes an easy to navigate book-by-book approach. Schnittjer provides a list of Scripture allusions for each book and follows with an interpretive profile of how that book uses passages from elsewhere in the Old Testament. Specific criteria are applied to each allusion, providing readers with a categorical “label” that sorts each allusion into a general type. Minor allusions caused by style, figures of speech, and other minor elements are not included. Responsible exegesis requires careful attention to interrelated scriptures, yet there is a host of interpretive difficulties related to Scripture’s use of Scripture. Designed for ease of use for any serious student of the Bible, Old Testament Use of Old Testament offers a thorough, systematic tool to aid in intertextual interpretation.
This dynamic tool equips students of the Bible to:
• Understand how the Old Testament uses the Old Testament • Easily find the most important Old Testament allusions
• Grasp the complexity of Scripture’s use of Scripture
• Categorize specific allusions into categories
• Gain exegetical insight into the study of interrelated

Biblical Theology According to the Apostles: How the Earliest Christians Told the Story of Israel by Chris Bruno, Jared Compton, and Kevin McFadden, associate professor of New Testament (Wesmont, IL: InterVarsity Press: May 2020) Although relatively few in number, the New Testament’s explicit summaries of the Old Testament story of Israel give readers direct access into the way the earliest Christians told this story—that is to say, into the way they did biblical theology. This stimulating New Studies in Biblical Theology volume examines the passages in the Synoptic Gospels, Acts, Paul’s letters, and Hebrews that recount the characters, events, and institutions of Israel’s story in chronological order and at substantial length. The authors demonstrate just how valuable a lens these summaries provide for a clearer vision of the earliest Christians’ practice of biblical theology.

The Dad Difference: The Four Most Important Gifts You Can Give Your Kids by Bryan Loritts ’95 (Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers: June 2020) The world is full of examples of men who weren’t there for their kids. But there are good and even great dads out there who inspire their children and the men around them to reach for more. How do you become a dad like that—even if your own dad wasn’t such a good example?
In The Dad Difference, Bryan Loritts explores the four gifts every kid needs from a dad: relationship, integrity, teaching, and experiences. He walks you through what each of these mean and how to put them into practice. He also shares stories of fathers, including his own dad, who were examples of this to him. Full of biblical wisdom, simple truths, and practical advice, this book will empower you to become a dad who makes a difference in the lives of your children.

The Sacrifice of Praise by Herman Bavinck; translated and edited by Cameron Clausing and Gregory Parker ’13 (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers: June 2019)
In The Sacrifice of Praise, Herman Bavinck pastorally guides the reader through the importance of the public profession of faith. Bavinck’s careful treatment includes explorations of the unifying power of a common (ecumenical) confession of faith, the blessing of the diversity of believers, and reasonable instruction for those facing persecution for publicly identifying with Christ. Theological, practical, straightforward, and devotional, The Sacrifice of Praise gives readers a fresh appreciation for the importance of confessing one’s faith.

Surveying the Pentateuch by Paul Weaver; Stephen Bramer; Dick Emmons, professor emeritus, School of Divinity; Ed Glasscock; and Mark Strout (Learn the Word Publishing: December 2019)
This volume provides a big picture overview of the Pentateuch, giving one chapter for each book. Each chapter begins with a concise introduction, followed by a carefully constructed outline and survey of each respective book. This survey highlights the most important concepts and explains the most difficult passages. Dr. Dick Emmons specifically wrote on Genesis 12–50.
To feature your publication in Cairn Magazine, send the title, cover image (at least 1 MB), and a brief synopsis to Submissions may appear in either Fresh Ink or the Alumni Arena, depending on space availability.